Spieth (Xiamen) Technology Co.,Ltd.

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Pallet Racking Wire Decking

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Pallet racking wire decking is a racking solution used in warehouse pallet racking systems to provide a stable and durable surface for storing items. Flared wire decking provides universal flared end channel support and can be used for structural channel beams, box beams, and step beams with non-standard step sizes.

Pallet rack wire decking provides a safe surface to support pallets in pallet racks. Pallet rack wire decking increase the safety and versatility of your pallet rack system by allowing you to store more than just standard pallets. Bins, boxes, and other products are often stored on wire decking.

Pallet Racking Wire Decking

Specifications of Wire Decking

Pallet Racking Wire Decking

Benefits of Wire Decking

* Safer: Better fire resistance and meets strict insurance requirements.

* More durable: Will not bend, twist or sag, extremely durable and maintenance-free.

* Hygienic: Will not accumulate dirt or dust.

* Easy to operate: Quick and easy installation - no fixing or fastening required.

* Improved visibility: Increased lighting and operator access.

* Versatile: Suitable for all storage, including coolrooms and freezers.


Tell us what you need and we will create a wire decking to suit your specific application based on loading capacity, equipment used, load handling and other criteria.

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